
  • Strategies to Increase Pregnancy Probability (Women's Perspective)
    카테고리 없음 2023. 10. 8. 17:22
    This time, we will introduce strategies to increase the probability of pregnancy from a women's perspective.
    These strategies can be divided into two aspects: ' Timing for High Pregnancy Probability ' and ' Increasing Pregnancy Probability Through Management '




    Timing for High Pregnancy Probability


    The most fertile time for pregnancy is during 'ovulation,' and it's essential to accurately identify and time this phase.

    * What is Ovulation?
    Ovulation is a process in the menstrual cycle where a mature egg is released.
    In a 28-day menstrual cycle, ovulation typically occurs around 14 days before the next menstruation starts.

    How to Identify Ovulation

    1. Confirm a basal body temperature that is about 0.3-0.5°C higher than your usual temperature.

    • Use an oral thermometer that displays two decimal places and gather temperature data for 2-3 months.

    ※ How to Measure Temperature: Place the oral thermometer under your tongue immediately after waking up in the morning and check your temperature after approximately 3-5 minutes.


    2. Check for cervical mucus resembling egg whites.

    • As ovulation approaches (3-5 days before), estrogen levels increase, resulting in the secretion of cervical mucus that aids sperm in reaching the uterus.


    3. Monitor changes in ovulation test kit readings.

    • Check the concentration of luteinizing hormone (LH) in your urine, which can be done with a test kit. This method provides an accuracy rate of 80-90%. Using an app-connected test kit can make it easier to compare changing values.


    Using the methods mentioned above to identify ovulation, here's how to time intercourse.

    The day when cervical mucus is the most abundant, two days before the peak reading on the ovulation test kit, is when the success rate is highest.

    So, once you confirm the presence of cervical mucus and the day with the highest reading on the ovulation test kit, you can start having intercourse.

    ※ The day following the highest reading on the test kit is the actual day of ovulation.

    ※ If your basal body temperature remains elevated without dropping due to ovulation, there is a higher likelihood of successful pregnancy



    Management to Increase Pregnancy Probability


    While timing is crucial, consistent management for increasing pregnancy probability is also important.

    What You Should Manage to Increase Pregnancy Probability

    1. Improve Blood Circulation

    • For a successful pregnancy, the uterine lining should be thick during implantation. As the uterine lining goes through a cycle of thickening and thinning, improving blood circulation enhances the regenerative capacity of the uterine lining. Better blood circulation increases the connectivity between uterine lining cells.


    2. Abstain for Two Days After Ovulation

    • Since this is the implantation period, it's advisable to stabilize the uterine environment.


    3. Improve Egg Quality

    • Consume foods rich in antioxidants daily to delay cell aging. Antioxidant-rich foods include green leafy vegetables (e.g., broccoli, spinach, kale), blueberries, carrots, tomatoes, and also foods containing Coenzyme Q10 (found in fatty fish, beef, peanuts). Coenzyme Q10 participates in cell division of reproductive cells and prevents cell aging by suppressing reactive oxygen species, playing a role in infertility-related egg aging.
    * What are Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)?
    They are oxygen radicals with toxicity that can damage cell membranes, cell structures, DNA, and cause birth defects, cancers, and also contribute to egg aging.


    As a side note, for women over 35 years old, the risk of Down syndrome, a chromosomal disorder, increases during pregnancy. Therefore, regular visits to an obstetrician and undergoing prenatal genetic testing are recommended.




    This concludes the strategies to increase pregnancy probability from a women's perspective. In the next post, we will cover strategies from a men's perspective.
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